Angelus Mountain Center
3697 N. Fair Oaks Avenue
Altadena, CA 91001
(626) 398-1426
View their website
Average Base Cost: $11,000
Average base cost for an Angelus Mountain Center wedding is calculated by figuring a 125-person guest list for a Saturday reception using their Wedding Package options and standard “family-style” catering costs of $50/pp (if you’re DIY’ing this average base cost will be lower). Transportation to venue, entertainment, bartenders, decorations, DJ, and photography are not included. Average price includes gratuity and state sales tax. Price is rounded up to the nearest thousand.
How it breaks down:
2014-2015 rates:
- Wedding package – $3,000 includes all day Saturday (7:30 to midnight) plus a 3-hour window on Friday (time TBD) and a 3-hour window on Sunday for take-down. In addition a cleaning fee of $375 is required for this package.
- Lodge/Deck/Kitchen and Parking only – 1 day only – $2,000, 7:30 a.m. to midnight. In addition a cleaning fee of $150 is required for this package.
- All Areas – 1 day only – $2,500, 7:30 a.m. to midnight. In addition a cleaning fee of $375 is required for this package.
- Weekend Rental – Friday 4 p.m. to Sunday noon – $4,000. Tent camping is allowed. Three sleeping cabins are available; renter must provide cots/air mattresses/sleeping bags. In addition a cleaning fee of $375 is required for this package.
- Overnight Rental – Saturday 8 a.m. to Sunday noon – $3,250. Tent camping is allowed. Three sleeping cabins are available; renter must provide cots/air mattresses/sleeping bags. In addition a cleaning fee of $375 is required for this package.
- Additional Hours — $125 per hour. May be added for additional set-up or take-down, within the Center’s hours of 7:30 a.m. to midnight.
Summer camp is in session during weddings in June-August at the Angelus Mountain Center, which means some areas (including all cabins) are unavailable for a summer rental. The prices go up as follows:
Wedding package – $5,000 includes all day Saturday (7:30 to midnight) plus a 3-hour window on Friday (time TBD) and a 3-hour window on Sunday for take-down (typically 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.). In addition a cleaning fee of $325 is required for this package.
Lodge/Deck/Kitchen and Parking only – 1 day only – $3,500, 7:30 a.m. to midnight. In addition a cleaning fee of $135 is required for this package.
All Areas – 1 day only – $4,200, 7:30 a.m. to midnight. In addition a cleaning fee of $325 is required for this package.
Overnight Rental – Saturday 8 a.m. to Sunday noon – $6,000. Tent camping is allowed. In addition a cleaning fee of $325 is required for this package.
Weekend Rental – Friday 6:30 p.m. to Sunday at noon – $7,000. Tent camping is allowed. In addition a cleaning fee of $325 is required for this package.
Additional Hours — $100 per hour. May be added for additional set-up or take-down, within the Center’s hours of 7:30 a.m. to midnight.
Food and Beverage: You can bring in your own food and alcohol. However, you must include a “Host Liquor Liability” clause in a required liability policy.
What’s Included:
- Tables: six 6’ rounds; four 5’ rounds; and eight 8’ rectangular tables. (All need tablecloths.)
- Chairs: Approximately 90 metal folding chairs.
Other Notes:
- A sound system is available for a fee of $125
- The lodge has two private bathrooms, and separate facilities are available off the main field as well.
- 3 of the 4 cabins are included in most rental packages, and are often used for brides, grooms, and members of the wedding party to get ready/hang out in.
- There may be an additional charge if the pool is used/heated. A lifeguard must be on duty if used.
More Stats
Space Type: Inside (the Lodge) and outside (the grounds). You can also opt to tent areas such as the basketball court for dinner and/or dancing.
Size: The Main Lodge at the Angelus Mountain Center will hold up to 150 for a sit-down dinner. Lodge seating can be combined with their deck/patio for a larger group. There are also several sites available for an outdoor wedding, including a large amphitheater and grass fields.
Bridal Suite: Yes
Parking: Yes
Food Service Type: Your choice. Their kitchen has a 6 burner stove, double over, double-sided commerical fridge and freezer plus a microwave.
How Will Grandma Get There? If not staying at the Angelus Mountain Center campsite, guests would most likely stay in nearby Pasadena, in hotels such as the Westin Pasadena, which is 5 miles away from the campsite.
Party On! The center’s hours are 7:30 a.m. to midnight, unless the grounds are booked for a weekend package and plans have been made to spend the night at the site. Otherwise all guests, hosts, and rents must leave the lot before midnight. Music must be turned down by 10 p.m. due to an Altadena noise ordinance, and completely silenced by 11:00 p.m.
The Report
The Angelus Mountain Center is a 57-acre site located in Altadena’s Chiquita Canyon, just inside the Angeles National Forest with vistas of the San Gabriel Valley below. It was discovered in the 1880’s, and after changing hands several times a service organization called the Camp Fire Girls bought the property for $7,500 in 1944 (with money they had raised with individual contributions and “bazaars”). The property went up for sale in 1987, and Joe and Maria DiMassa (who ran Summerkids, a summer day camp program for K-6th graders) bought the property. They added a swimming pool, basketball court, hiking trails, a 1,200 sq. foot garden, a playground, obstacle course, and more improvements since they took over the property.
Woman Getting Married Says
If you’re looking for a rustic, natural venue near Los Angeles that has that “summer camp” vibe, this could be perfect for you. While I am definitely not a camper, I can appreciate this venue as far as space/options/pricing are concerned. I would opt to get married in their non-summer months to avoid paying additional fees, and also so I could use their cabins. If you’re interested in DIY’ing your decorations or hiring an event designer to make this place over-the-top, you’ll have options and price flexibility considering their reasonable venue rental fee and the fact that you can bring in your own food and beverage.
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I would like to inform people that the Angelus Mountain Center has been in violation of zoning laws and is currently fighting their (close) neighbors to try to keep holding these illegal events. Please know that if the neighbors complain and you get kicked out, the owners KEEP your deposit. I think it would be wise if you did not advertise this venue as it is illegal. The regular use of the “center” is Summer Kids Camp, which is a day camp during the summer for children, which is quite different than an evening adult entertainment center. Thanks.