You love your bridesmaids, so you want to get something amazing for each of them (or for just your Maid of Honor). But shopping for a great gift (let alone a bridesmaid gi
A dainty gold necklace like this goes with EVERYTHING,
and the fact that it’s personalized is a super sweet touch.
ft) can seem impossible when you’re trying to stick to a budget. That’s why we went looking for fun and unique bridesmaid gift ideas that your friends will love without forcing you to eat ramen for the next few months (the wedding will probably do that on it’s own, thank you very much).
From blow-dry gift certificates to adorable bags and even a bit of bubbly, these bridesmaid gift ideas are also great for your girlfriends for birthdays and holidays, too! If only guys were this easy to buy gifts for!
Check out our favorite bridesmaid gift ideas under $100. When you’re done let us know what you’re planning on getting your bridesmaids in the comments section!
1.Personalized Necklaces
A dainty gold necklace like this goes with EVERYTHING, and the fact that it’s personalized is a super sweet touch.
2. Handmade Bag
I love this line of bags which are handmade, durable, and come in awesome prints.
3. Wine or Champagne Glasses
I’d pair a set of these with a bottle of bubbly for a fun bridesmaid gift you might get to enjoy with your friend!
4. Drybar Gift Card
Who doesn’t need an excuse for an excellent hair?!
5. Gym Classes
Yes, the gym isn’t always fun, but if your friend is a regular at spin classes it’s a thoughtful idea that definitely helps her budget!
6. Candle Set
Sweet Water Decor has some of the most gorgeous candles around. Let your friend sample a few of their most popular scents!
7. Meal Delivery
Let’s face it: Having to cook dinner most nights sucks. A gift certificate for a chef-made meal does not.
8. Makeup Bag
I don’t know about you, but I have to switch up my makeup bags A LOT. Getting a new one is always a treat.
9. Your Favourite Cookbook
Give your bridesmaids a copy of your favorite cookbook, alone or with a cute apron. If you haven’t tried this cookbook yet you’re missing out!
10. Floral Robe
Who doesn’t love getting something new to wear, especially when it’s as pretty as this! You can buy them in a set as well.
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