Mom Saves Amazing Letter 20 Years for Daughter’s Wedding Day

Talk about the sweetest wedding gift ever.

When their adopted baby girl, Brooke, was just 18-months old, parents Sherry and Craig Blackledge wanted to make sure their daughter knew just how special she was to them, so they wrote a letter for her to be opened when she was older. It turned out the special day to read it was Brooke’s wedding day. Sherry had it printed on a piece of her own wedding dress, and gave it to her daughter Brooke before the ceremony. This is what it read:

Our Dear Little Baby Brooke,

As I write this you are sleeping soundly in your baby bed. You are 18 months old.

We just want you to know how very much love and happiness you have brought to us. You have made us a truly great family. A little precious baby girl to me and Daddy and a baby sister to Brian.

Before me and Daddy were married we always said we wanted a little boy and a little girl. When we were dating, we said if we had a little girl she would be a little Brooke. You are our little Baby Brooke.

Brooke, we just want you to know that you are very special to us and that God picked you extra special and he sent you to Mommy, Daddy and Brian.

We love you

Mommy and Daddy

“There isn’t a word for the emotion I was feeling at this point,” Brooke told The Huffington Post about her reaction to receiving the heartfelt note. “If someone could come up with a word that encompassed excited, humbled, speechless, joyful, shocked and genuinely loved, then that would be the word to use.”

Watch the video by The Film Poets, below.

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