Maysara Winery

15765 SW Muddy Valley Rd,
McMinnville, OR 97128
(503) 843-1234
View their website

Average Base Cost: $22,000

Our average base cost for a Maysara Winery wedding is calculated by figuring a 125-person guest list for a Saturday wedding in April-September using a food/beverage cost of $125/pp common for the area. Entertainment, flowers, furniture, additional decorations and rentals, transportation, and photography are not included. Price is rounded up to the nearest thousand. Gratuity is included. There is no sales tax in Oregon.

*Prices subject to change

How it breaks down:

Facility Rental Fee: The rental rates are broken down by month/day. Note that the venue does not hold weddings October and November due to harvest.

April – September

  • Monday – Thursday: $3,500 (12 p.m.- 10 p.m. rental)
  • Friday: $4,000 (12 p.m.- 10 p.m. rental)
  • Saturday: $5,500 (11 a.m- 10 p.m. rental)
  • Sunday: $4,500 (11 a.m. – 10 p.m. rental)

maysara wedding

December  –  March

  • Monday – Friday $3,000 (12 p.m.- 9 p.m. rental)
  • Saturday $4,000 (11 a.m- 9 p.m. rental)
  • Sunday $3,500 (11 a.m –9 p.m. rental)

What’s Included: 

  • 16 60’ round tables
  • 125 Plastic white chairs
  • Bridal suite with full bathroom
  • Grooms suite with full bathroom
  • Permanent Bathrooms
  • Commercial Kitchen
  • 125 wine glasses with Maysara Logo
  • 15% off wine cases purchased for your event
  • One hour rehearsal (at a mutually agreed upon time)
  • Site visits with Maysara’s coordinator (scheduled visits)

maysara wedding

Extras: Additional hours can be purchased at $300/per additional hour until midnight, however clients are given a two hour grace period after the event is over for cleanup/breakdown.

Food/Beverage: Outside vendors are allowed EXCEPT for the bar. Maysara will provide beer and wine only. Maysara bottles of wine cost between $16-$35 on average (plus you would also get the case discount as listed above for your event).

maysara wedding

More Stats:

Space Type: Inside/Outside

Size: 299 inside/200 outside balcony

Bridal Suite: Yes

Parking: Yes, for up to 175 cars

maysara wedding

How Will Grandma Get There? The vineyard is in a fairly remote area, and the closest accommodations are a few B&B’s that can only accommodate a small number of people. Your best option in terms of a large hotel nearby is the Grand Salem, about 20 miles away. Portland is 50 miles away and would have more lodging options for out-of-town guests.

Party On! 9 or 10 p.m. depending on the day of the week (see above)

The Report: 

In 1997 Moe and Flora Momtazi purchased 532 acres of land just south of their home in McMinnville, Oregon. A proponent of organic farming, the Momtazi’s began planting their grapes in 1998. In 2001 they had their first vintage, and have been producing wine using chemical-free methods ever since. In addition, they are one of the largest indoor and outdoor venues in Oregon Wine Country, hosting weddings and other events in their stone and wood winery.

Photo by Bryan Rupp Photography

Woman Getting Married Says:

I’m a big fan of vineyard weddings…I mean, what’s not to love? And while I’m not normally a fan of weddings without liquor, I think the fact that this is a winery makes up for it. I would definitely arrange for a shuttle to pick-up/drop-off guests at a central location in town which will be an added expense, but overall I think the venue rental fees here are reasonable considering what’s included. I would definitely check this venue out, Oregon brides!

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Amenities/What’s Included 8
Convenient for Grandma 7
Layout 9
Location 8
Overall Charm 9
Venue Value 9

WGM Rating

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