DIY Farmer’s Market Boutonniere

Diy Boutonniere

If you know me, you pretty much know that I don’t DIY anything. It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s more that I have no idea what I’m doing. But some projects just seem so easy you have to try, and this DIY herbal boutonniere seemed right up my non-DIY alley.

I go to our local Farmer’s Market nearly twice a week. It’s where we do most of our grocery shopping, and it serves as a constant inspiration for fun lunches, dinner, and now apparently for weddings.

I have an herb booth I stop by nearly every week (and no, not that kind of herb booth. This is LA so that really can mean more than one thing), and they constantly have the best selection of everything from wild arugula to the most amazing basil, sage, mint, and more. Their stock not only smells amazing, but looks gorgeous. I’ve seen herbal boutonniere’s online before, and my weekly pit-stop at the Farmer’s Market seemed like the perfect place to pick up some herbs to use for one I could make at home.

After I picked up bunches of sage, mint, rosemary, and lavender from a neighboring booth, I stopped by Paper Source to get a roll of burlap twine (and a dozen birthday cards…I tired of never having any handy). When I got home I laid them out on our patio table and started arranging the herbs/flowers.

The great thing about a DIY boutonniere is that you can make it as short, tall, skinny, or wide as you want. You can also pick up herbs/fruit/flowers in colors that coordinate with your bouquet (or use it to inspire your bouquet….for example, you could walk down the aisle with a lavender bunch [or two] like the one seen here. Just tie it with a gorgeous burlap or lace ribbon or even a brooch).

DIY Boutonniere Herbs and Scissors

To arrange your bouquet, it’s best to start with an herb that can make a good, flat base, like sage. From there you can play with using the herbs/flowers in varying heights. I layered my DIY herb boutonniere in this order: sage, rosemary, lavender, and mint.

DIY Boutonniere Wrapping

When you have it pretty much how you want it, you can wrap it with some floral tape (which I forgot), or  cut a long piece of the burlap twine and start neatly wrapping from the top down. Mine was fine with just the burlap twine.

DIY Boutonniere Make Tie

I then tied a very tight double knot on what would be the back of the herbal boutonniere, and then cut the remaining burlap twine off.

DIY Boutonniere Final

Lastly, I used my scissors to cut the stems shorter and at an angle. You can then get a safety pin and put it through the burlap twine and onto the groom’s lapel. This DIY boutonniere cost me about $8, and I still had a ton of herbs leftover for cooking (and the lavender is currently drying in my office).

Do you have any fun wedding DIY projects you’ve been wanting to try? E-mail me at and we’ll try them out!

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