Moore Building
3841 NE 2nd Ave
Miami, FL 33137
Visit their website
Average Base Cost: $25,000
Average Base Cost for a Moore Building wedding is based on their standard rental rate and food/beverage using standard catering options of $100/pp for a 125-person wedding.
How it Breaks Down
Facility Fee: $8,000 will get you full access to the building from 6 a.m. the day of the event to 6 a.m. the following morning. I’ve “heard” that they want to start charging an additional $1,000-$4,000 for the accompanying Garden Lounge, which was considered part of the package when I saw it.
The Report
The Moore Building is located in Miami’s Design District, a newly “hip” area that has lots of great galleries and stores. (I saw a Christian Louboutin store two doors down. I was salivating.) The building is a historic landmark and used to be an old warehouse, however they’ve made some great modern touches (such as wood/finished black cement floors, an atrium, and the next door garden.) and the place is 4 stories and massive (it can hold up to 10,000 people). You can hire security for the event (at around $12/hour), and their valet/parking attendants. Because the Design District becomes a ghost town at night, you’d also have to arrange for a taxi/limo company to get guests back to their hotels if they’re not driving. Bridge House Events, who rents the facility, has a catering company you can use, and you can also bring in outside catering companies as well. There is an elevator and prep-area for catering, too.
Woman Getting Married Says
This venue was a bit too modern for me, and for a 100 people I wouldn’t need this much space, so the 4 floors would go unused. The garden was nice and lush, but it didn’t flow very well as there were planted bamboo plants throughout that you formed a bit of a maze. I feel like I could have made it work if I could have gotten it for a steal, but for $8k (plus a potential additional fee for the garden), it didn’t do it for me.
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Hi…My name is Andreina Reyna, I am a Wedding & Event Planner here in Miami and I have a client that loves The Moore Building to do her wedding there. We wanted to know first of all if you have the availability for that day, February 25th, 2017. Second, we want to know about the prices and if you we could brig our vendors in, knowing that they have to have insurance and liability, etc. Please call me back as soon as possible if you have the date available. My phone number is 786 2779557. My email is Thanks!!!
This is my dream wedding venue! I’ve been here for other events & it’s simply breathtaking.