Full Moon Farm
65 Jaycox Road
Medusa, NY 12120
(212) 566-1855
View their website
Average Base Cost: $35,000
Average base cost for a Full Moon Farm wedding is calculated by figuring a 125-person guest list for a Saturday night wedding using standard food/beverage costs, $3,000 for a catering kitchen, $1,300 for port-o-potties, and $1,050 for mandatory shuttle service, plus tax and gratuity. Transportation to venue, catering kitchen/equipment, entertainment, decorations, tents, chairs/tables, lighting, etc. are not included. Price is rounded up to the nearest thousand.
How it Breaks Down
Facility Rental Fee: $4,950
What this includes: Use of the property on rehearsal day (let’s say Friday) from 9:00-7 p.m. On event day you can start your wedding/setup any time from 9 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Clean up day from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. You are only paying for use of the property and nothing else.
Food: You will have to bring in your own caterer. You can expect prices to range from $100-$200/up for food and beverage depending on your caterer.
More Stats
Space Type: 1,500 sq. foot covered barn, 17-acres of uncovered land. If you have more than 75 guests the venue recommends you get a tent.
Bridal Suite: If you choose to rent their farmhouse you can get ready there along with your wedding party.
Size: Up to 125 guests
Food Service Type: Depends on selected caterer, but the barn is best for family-style seating.
Parking: All guests must be shuttled to and from the event via a private shuttle service (at your own expense).
How Will Grandma Get There? There are B&B’s in Medusa located within 20 miles of the property, and there is a 4-room guesthouse available for rent at $600/night ($650 night for NYE).
Extras: You will have to bring in your own port-o-potties, and your caterer will have to set up their own kitchen which can cost you several thousand dollars (for a catering tent/generator/equipment, etc. plan on spending between $3-$5,000 extra). The venue created this helpful cost sheet of standard wedding extras, below. Obviously you can choose to save on some areas (such as videographer, photographer, flowers, food, etc.) But if you’re interested in this venue, pay particular attention to the costs of specific items that they’re familiar with around the area, such as shuttle service, planner, potties, and tents. NOTE: You are required to have an experience wedding planner (at least month-of or longer).
Party On!: All guests must be picked up via shuttled by 10:45 p.m. and gone by 11. Music must be turned off by 10:45 p.m.
The Report
The 1,500 sq. foot barn is on 17 acres overlooking the Hudson Valley, with a view of 15 mountains. It was built in 1790, and also has a 4-bedroom farm house on the property that can be rented out to wedding party guests (see above for rate information). The venue is located 115 miles from New York City. A favorite ceremony location is under an apple tree on the property. The barn is a zero carbon footprint facility and the farmhouse is green-built.
Woman Getting Married Says
Let me start off by saying I have a thing against tent weddings, or wedding venues that require a lot of additional equipment. There are SO many extra costs. In fact, I’ll go ahead and tell you that you’re most likely looking at an extra $15,000 for a venue like this just to get a meal served to your guests, before you even start talking about decorations, photographers, and all that other fun stuff. Now that that’s off my chest, having a “farm” wedding can be a great/unique idea if you have the creativity and resources to spend on making it look amazing (or can hire someone who can).
Otherwise I personally don’t see the benefit of not only having to worry about transportation to an out-of-the-way destination, but the stress of having to make sure everything (like a kitchen, portable bathroom, tent, lighting, tent flooring) is set up properly and then cleaned up. You’re looking at a lot of extra $$ that I’d personally rather spend on other things. However, if you have your heart set on it, a venue such as this one can be a fun retreat for your guests.
You can utilize the property for a rehearsal dinner (rather than renting out a separate space/restaurant) and if your family is based in New York City, it’s a different experience for them. The guest house also looks lovely, and if you don’t use the venue for a wedding, it could be fun for a holiday getaway with family and friends.
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