Feeling Depressed After Your Wedding? Here’s What to Do

feeling depressed after wedding
Photo by Lori Lynn Photography

I was honestly a little shocked at how I felt after our wedding, and it hit me on my wedding night of all times!

Aside from the fact that my feet friggin’ killed me, I starting having a sinking feeling in my stomach that got worse the next day. In fact, I even cried at the airport on our way home from our destination wedding. That’s not a feeling you expect to have after one of the best day’s of your life! But, it turns out it’s way more common than you think.

The post-wedding blues is a real thing, and it’s something that can creep up on you and make you feel more than a little weird. I remember having a whole mix of emotions, from all of a sudden feeling like a “real adult” now that I was married, and also being sad I wasn’t with my parents anymore. I also felt like my single days of being young and a bit crazy were now officially behind me (even though they had been behind me ever since I met my now husband years earlier). While I was madly in love with my husband, the change did make me feel a bit out of place emotionally.

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The other MAJOR element of the post-wedding depression is that you no longer have a wedding to plan. To look forward to. To relish in the attention of. All those parties thrown in your honor? All those wedding dress fittings and fawning over? Yeah, there’s that, too. I’m the type of person that really loves having something big to look forward to, be it a vacation or birthday party and yes, even my own wedding. Not having something to plan anymore, especially something as big as a wedding, made me feel a pretty big comedown after it was all said and done.

So, what’s the best thing to do if you feel depressed after your wedding? Well, having a honeymoon to look forward to DEFINITELY helps. We left for our honeymoon a few days after our wedding, and my post-wedding blues quickly subsided as soon as we started packing for our trip. And even though I’m normally pretty sad to come home after a vacation, I actually felt excited to settle in after our honeymoon and start nesting. Once I realized how great it was to NOT have a wedding to plan anymore, all of this free time opened up. It was fun to use it to plan an anniversary trip a year later, organize our new place together, and start the next chapter of our lives as Mr. and Mrs.

SEE MORE: How Long After Your Wedding Should You Go On Your Honeymoon?

If you do find yourself still pretty down weeks after your wedding and you can’t seem to kick the feeling, don’t be afraid to see a therapist in your area to talk things through. While feeling depressed after your wedding is completely normal, if those feelings persist you don’t want to ignore them. Talk to your husband about them and see if he’s going through the same thing, and talk to your girlfriends as well. You’re bound to discover that any big life change can often throw you for a loop, and it’s always better to recognize those feelings and take care of them. Once you see the light, things tend to get a whole lot brighter. 🙂

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