Museum of History and Industry Seattle

Lake Union Park
860 Terry Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109
View their website

Average Base Cost: $27,000

Our average base cost for a Museum of History and Industry Seattle (MOHAI) wedding is calculated by figuring a 125-person guest list for a Saturday evening ceremony and reception in Peak Season using a catering cost of $125/pp common for the area and a $6,000 venue rental fee. Entertainment, flowers, additional decorations and rentals, transportation, and photography are not included. Price is rounded up to the nearest thousand. Gratuity and sales tax is included.

*Prices subject to change

How it breaks down:

Facility Rental Fee: The venue rental fee for a Museum of History and Industry Seattle reception (ceremonies are not allowed) break down as follows:

Peak Season (May-September December)

  • Fri-Sat: $6,000
  • Mon-Thurs: $5,100

Off Peak Season (January-April, October-November)

  • Fri-Sat: $5,400
  • Thurs-Sun: $4,600
mohai seattle wedding venue
Photo by Barbie Hull Photography

What’s Included: 

  • 7 hours of use, which will include setup and cleanup time (for rental of the Atrium, this will default to a 5 p.m.-12 a.m. timeframe).
  • Includes any of the tables/chairs they have in-house (includes 20 banquet rounds, 20 bistro tables, 20 6’ buffet/bar tables, 200 folding chairs).  Note: this is enough banquet seating for a total of 160.
  • Basic AV such as wireless microphone, podium, built-in screen, projector, podium.
  • Event staff support

Extras: An additional hour can be added at the end of the evening at $200 per hour

Food/Beverage: Clients must use one of the caterers on their preferred list of vendors, such as City Catering Company and Kaspars and Herban Feast.

Important Note: All weddings of 100+ must be held at the Faye Atrium.  Ceremonies are not allowed.

seattle wedding venue water

More Stats:

Space Type:  Inside for the Atrium.  There are additional venues including outdoor space that can accommodate smaller weddings under 100.

Size: Up to 750

Bridal Suite: No, but there is an adjacent conference room where the bridal party can leave their belongings.

Parking: MOHAI allows 5 parking spaces for the bridal party next to their building. Guests will be directed to parking in the South Lake Union neighborhood. MOHAI validates parking at the AGC building, at a $5.00 flat rate. Otherwise, the nearby lots charge reduced flat rates after 5 p.m. and on weekends, usually around $4.00-$5.00.

How Will Grandma Get There? MOHAI is on the water, and there are several waterfront hotels nearby such as the Residence Inn Seattle. Downtown Seattle is also close by where there are a ton of hotel options.

Party On! 11 p.m. or midnight for an additional fee

seattle wedding venue
Photo by Barbie Hull Photography

The Report: 

The Museum of History and Industry Seattle (also known as MOHAI) first opened it’s doors in 1952. Originally located in the Montlake neighborhood, MOHAI moved into the Naval Reserve Building. They now boast the “largest private heritage organization in the State of Washington,” according to their website, with a collection of over “4 million objects, documents, and photographs from the Puget Sound region’s past” that include hand-on exhibits in addition to award-winning public programs for kids and adults.

Woman Getting Married Says:

I’m a big fan of getting married in museums, and this one is definitely unique (with a great location!). If you are planning on having your ceremony at a separate venue than your reception, than this works out great. Otherwise I really wish they could accommodate outdoor ceremonies here! I mean, with a view like that you want to take as much advantage of it as possible. I do think the rental fee is a bit high, but even though you have to choose from their list of approved caterers you’ve got some great options that will hopefully keep your overall cost down.

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Amenities/What’s Included 8
Convenient for Grandma 9
Layout 9
Location 10
Overall Charm 8
Venue Value 7

WGM Rating

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